About the Project
So that’s where my new blog will start. A new reader might ask “new blog?”. Yep, pretty simple: my first blog has been “Kiwi auf Zeit” where I have been writing about my time in New Zealand split into two single projects. Those were “Graduating in New Zealand” and “The Round Trip”. Unfortunately – for english speaking readers – the website is in German and while it might still be interesting to have a look at the galleries there, the biggest part is text based. Well, let’s see what happend then:
I spent one and a half years in New Zealand graduating at Taupo-nui-a-Tia college. I would call the time I spent in NZ the best time of my life so far and after getting back to Germany I didn’t really fit into my old life. Things just haven’t been the same and I wasn’t able to put all the plans I had for my return into practice, lost myself pretty bad and spent a year just living into the day not knowing what to do with myself. After about six months, a plan I already had had before started to change. Originally I wanted to grab a backpack and travel through Russia but in March I started a voluntary service instead. From the start it wasn’t really the right choice for me and after six months I resigned. It became clear to me that I had to get out there and Russia didn’t seem like the right place anymore – looking at the political situation regarding the Winter Olympics I think that’s easy to understand. Russia had been the first choice simply because I love the book written by Sergej Lukianenko, a Russian author. The first choice had changed: Since my stay down under it has been New Zealand. So that’s where I want to get: back to a new home.
I loved writing my old blog and even though I didn’t reach as many readers as I wished to, I still enjoyed doing it for those few that actually did come back every time to read about my journey. That’s why I want to do the same for my new plan and this time I’d like to include english as second language to allow my second family in New Zealand, all those amazing people to take a look at what I’m doing now. And maybe to say thank you, as well as sorry for having been a loner this last year. So let’s move on to the project:
A journey around the world. This time, I’ll document the story under the name “Project Penniless” while I’m trying to overcome about 18,500km as the crow flies. Since I have never been working a 40 hour week, I do not have too much money at hand. I have not even finished an apprenticeship or a study yet so the money I have is the money a student had when going to school. As you can imagine, that’s not much at all. It will be enough for proper equipment but I don’t think there’ll be much left for a warm bed in a hotel, a meal in a restaurant or taking the plane. Well, that would have been too easy anyway, wouldn’t it?
All in all? Money for equipment = yes. Money for the travel itself = no.
The journey is supposed to take me from Germany over the atlantic ocean, across America (North>>South/South>>North) and from there over the Pacific back to New Zealand. To do so, I’ll have to go couchsurfing on the way, work for food on the spot and hitchhike.
With that I’ll officially open my new blog. Further details are coming throughout this week, as well as the momentary situation, what happened these past twelve months and when the (most probable) departure will be.